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Small Interest Groups (SIGs)

For the latest event updates, check the iGuide, sugargrovechurch.com, the WoW Facebook page or contact the SIG leader. 

Work Out Wonders 

Zumba Tuesdays @ 7
Starting Nov. 6
Youth Center
 Shannon Baker 574-529-2456

Tabitha Circle

 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month 1-4 p.m.
We meet to sew for those in need.  No ability necessary.  Cutters needed.
Sue Fields 293- 8840/Ginny Vermilyea 875-0928

(Treasures in Time)

Scrapbooking quarterly. Bring a friend and a snack to share. 
Judy Estep 574-875-8003/574-361-8275

Creative Friendzy

Join us for fellowship and various craft projects.
Diana Gipson 574-370-0143

Time Out for Moms and Kids

 Moms meet the first & third Thursday each month for Bible study & fellowship while the kids enjoy supervised play. $15 covers workbook & childcare.  Check out the Bible study page for more information.
Steph Bjurstrom 219-776-2007
Abi Koehler 815-531-7161

WGES Birthday Club

 West Goshen Elementary School is SGC’s local access ministry. We're working to help the students at WGES know that they are loved.  We will meet monthly to assemble goodie bags for the students birthdays. 
Tania Jones 574-875-8680

Dog Obedience Training

This class will take place in the spring of 2013.
Space is Limited.  Sign Up Early.
Mandi Juarez